
The new environmental economical World

Written by – Omnia Ibrahim

The new world and the future of the economical aspect will be very different ,that will be impressive future by the creative ideas in this aspect .

There are some different unique ideas that are considered to be a mixture of different ideas of environmental investment ,they are seeking for the achievement of the target of any environmental project , as any project is measured to be successful or not by the overcome from the equilibrium point of the commercial target that was estimated by the project study .

The unique ideas may be like that :

-The combined soil of nanoparticles and that can enhance the photosynthesis process and shorten the growth cycle of the corps .

-The combined soil of water and dissolved minerals and nanoparticles that also enhance the growth.

-The establishment of new type of aquacultures of bacterial growth of the microorganisms by the laser beams .

-The establishment of the photonic aquaculture that can act as a photonic laser reactors that can produced by the use of the laser that can activate the nervous systems of the aquatic organisms and accelerate the growth of fisheries .

-The use of laser to sterilize the aquacultures by photonic action.

-The use of active quantum energy to make artificial waves in the aquacultures to remove wastes from them .

Finally all miracles can be done by the creative ideas and make the unique existence of new project for the achievements of sustainable development .

Omnia Ibrahim written : the blue green economy 

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