أخبار عاجلةالرأي

Omnia Ibrahim written : the blue green economy 

 The blue green economy is a type of making a mixture between blue economy and green economy to get more benefits from the both together , the mixture can do miracles by the investment in the both .

That can be made by making the aquaculture of the green algae and the tilapia and other bacteria like E.coli , that will be good fruitful food and natural food , the certain type of sterilization by laser system , the manufacture of sterilization by nanotechnology can be mixed with the previous methodology .

Another type of aquaculture of sea grass and fishes that can make them double faced aquaculture and the food of them will be manufactured particles of zinc and potassium , it is also acceptable to make artificial food chains that can be made by brining of the microorganisms and multicellular organisms and make manufactured food chain also be making prepared food by brining of the sodium particles and other necessary nutrients and manufactured food particles in labs and make the good use of all the environmental factors to get benefits from all resources and make good use of all scientific factors to get the scientific fruits ,that will be the good recycling process of the scientific experiments and get the fruits of the experiment and help in the discovery of the new criteria from the experiments and get the needed results to get new sources of the chances for investments .

إقرأ المزيد

Omnia Ibrahim Hassanin Written : Creation in Africa  

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